Prova den politiska frågesport

10 svar


If you had a seat at an international climate change discussion, what's one point you would raise or advocate for, thinking about your own future?


How would you describe the relationship between protecting the environment and ensuring social justice to someone who doesn't see a connection?


What's one habit you have or could adopt that you feel would make a genuine difference in promoting a more sustainable and fair society?


Imagine every product's price included its environmental cost; how might this change what you buy or consume?


If you could contribute to a project that improves your local environment, what kind of project would you be most excited about joining?


How would you feel about a policy that imposes higher taxes on polluting activities if the revenue was used to fund green initiatives or social programs?


In a future powered by renewable energy, what's one device or technology you hope gets invented or becomes more widespread?


Can you think of a time when a decision aimed at being environmentally friendly also made a situation more socially equitable?


If your community decided to go 'green' overnight, what is one change you'd love to see, and one you'd find challenging?


How would you reimagine your daily commute if public transport were as efficient and accessible as driving your own car?