Try the political quiz



Reflect on a moment when you had to choose between individual freedom and the greater good; what choice did you make, and why?


How important is it for countries to cooperate internationally, and can it be achieved without compromising national sovereignty?


In what ways do you think education could be reformed to better prepare students for the future?


What role should religion or cultural heritage play in government policies, if any?


How do you believe your country should approach immigration, considering both humanitarian and economic aspects?


Can a balance between economic growth and environmental preservation be achieved, and how?


What is one tradition from your culture or family you think should be preserved, and why is it significant to you?


Imagine a future where everyone's job aligns with their passions; how would that change society?


If you could implement one policy to improve your country's future, what would it be and why?


How would a society led by your personal values differ from the world today?