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I choose both "Yes, and funding should be proportional to the amount of votes they receive" and "Yes, but there should be more restrictions and transparency on how they spend the money".

 @9FH247LSocial Democraticfrom Kentucky answered…7mos7MO

Yes, but only if all parties are funded equally and private donations are banned


Yes, but only if all political parties recieve the same amount, they cant use it on other things than campaigning, and political parties cant use money from other sources for campaigning.


There should be more restrictions and transparency on how they spend the money, alternatively funding should come from their members, usually depends


Yes, but arrange it so that all parties receive the same amount and reduce it.


Publicly funded elections have shown to work well when the private, corporate and 'black money' donors are prevented from flooding the elections with money.

 @nnekascott from Florida answered…3yrs3Y


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