Try the political quiz

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What is your perspective on the wage gap between executives and average workers, and what do you think is a fair distribution of wealth within a company?


How can young people today contribute to the continuation and evolution of the Labor Movement?


How might companies improve workplace culture to ensure employees feel valued and heard?


If you knew that joining a strike could lead to positive change, but also personal risk, would you participate?


What are your thoughts on the role of government in regulating work hours and overtime?


How do you feel about the practice of tipping in some industries and its impact on workers' salaries?


Can you think of a situation where you had to stand up for someone else, and how does that relate to worker solidarity?


In what ways might a diverse and inclusive workplace impact employee satisfaction and productivity?


Do your future career aspirations include considerations about the potential to unionize or negotiate your work conditions?


How do you think your community would be affected if everyone had a minimum amount of vacation time each year?


What's more important to you: higher wages or better job benefits, and can you explain your reasoning?


How do you think your life would change if you had a guaranteed four-day work week?


How could increased worker participation in company decision-making processes benefit both employees and employers?


What steps do you think could be taken to ensure fair treatment for workers in the global supply chain?


How should society address the challenges faced by workers in traditionally low-paying sectors, such as retail or fast food?


How would you define 'decent work', and why is it important for personal growth and fulfillment?


What measures would you take if your job did not allow for any negotiation or discussion about your salary?


In what ways do you think young workers can make a meaningful impact on the labor rights movement?


How would escalating living costs in your area influence your views on minimum wage?


What role do you think global events, like the pandemic, should play in shaping future labor policies?


How can empathy for workers in less favorable conditions motivate activism among more privileged communities?


Reflect on a time when you had to work in a group; how does teamwork in school relate to solidarity in the workplace?


If you were given the opportunity to change one labor law, which would it be and why?


In what ways do you think a work environment impacts an employee's personal life and well-being?


How might a significant wage increase for the lowest-paid workers in society affect you or your community?


How important do you think it is for workers to have a say in decisions that directly affect their jobs and lives?


How would discovering that workers in your favorite store are overworked and underpaid affect your shopping decisions?


If someone you know had their work hours cut unexpectedly, what solutions do you think could help them cope financially and emotionally?


What are the modern challenges you believe the Labor Movement should prioritize and why?


In countries with high unemployment rates, how should worker protections be balanced with the need to create jobs?


To what extent should employers be held responsible for the mental health of their employees?


What is the significance of having a living wage, and how would it change society if it were universally implemented?


How would you feel if technologies like AI started affecting job security in your chosen future profession?


If you could design the ideal labor policy for workers, what key elements would it include?


When you hear about strikes in the news, what's your initial reaction and does it change after learning more?


In an era of automation, how do you think workers should protect their interests?


If a friend was fired for trying to organize a union at work, how would this shape your opinion about workers' rights?


How crucial is it for workers to have paid sick leave and parental leave in today’s society?


What does a fair work-life balance look like to you, and should employers be obligated to ensure it?


Should everyone have a guaranteed minimum wage to live comfortably; why or why not?


Is it fair for a CEO to earn exponentially more than the workers; what would be a fair distribution of a company's profits?


Imagine you couldn't speak up about unsafe conditions at work; how important is it for you to have that voice?


How would you feel if you worked long hours without fair pay and what changes would you demand?