Pokušajte politički kviz

110 odgovora


Koji bi mogao biti emocionalni utjecaj na zajednice ako određene skupine osjećaju da su nepravedno ciljane politikama poput ovih?


How do you think fear of potential threats should balance with the need to offer safe refuge to people in danger?


Have you ever had an experience where you felt judged or excluded because of where you come from?


What are the risks of labeling entire groups of people as 'high risk' based on their nationality or race?


How would your perspective change if you were the person trying to flee to safety but faced strict entry barriers?


Na koje načine bi odnos jedne zemlje s ostatkom svijeta mogao biti pogođen implementacijom ovakve politike?


Do you think national security concerns justify limiting the number of people entering a country, or are there better solutions?


Is it fair or effective to assume people are risky based on the country they come from, or should each case be evaluated individually?


Kako uskladiti zaštitu naše zemlje s otvorenim i dobrodošlim pristupom ljudima kojima je potrebna pomoć?


Ako biste morali donijeti odluku o tome tko ulazi u zemlju, koje čimbenike biste smatrali najvažnijima za razmatranje?