


あなたの政治的信念は、各党の政策とどの程度似ていますか? 政治クイズに答えてください。


以下のチャートSweden各政党の歴史的支持を示しています。 [ ? ]満たされた領域不明または低ボリュームの時間枠です。行をクリックすると、より具体的なポーリング情報が表示されます。







The Swedish Social Democratic Party, known in Sweden as Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti (SAP), is a political party that has played a central role in Swedish politics since its founding in 1889. Rooted in the labor movement, it has traditionally been the party of the working class, although its base has broadened over time. The party's core values are grounded in the principles of social democracy, which seeks to balance the benefits of a market economy with the need for social welfare programs to ensure that all members of society have access to basic rights and services.

S…  続きを読む



The Swedish Left political party, known in Sweden as Vänsterpartiet, has its roots deeply embedded in the country's political landscape, tracing back to its founding in 1917 originally as the Left Socialist Party. It emerged from a split within the Social Democratic Party over disagreements on Sweden's neutrality policy during World War I. Over the years, the party has evolved, particularly in 1967 when it changed its name from the Communist Party of Sweden to the Left Party - Communists, and later in 1990, it dropped "Communist" from its name, signaling a shift towar…  続きを読む



The Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) is a political party in Sweden that was founded in 1988. Initially, the party had roots in the far-right movement, but over the years, it has sought to rebrand itself and move towards the mainstream right of the political spectrum. The party's evolution has involved a significant shift in its public image and policies, aiming to distance itself from the more extreme elements of its past.

The core values and policies of the Sweden Democrats are centered around nationalism, social conservatism, and a strong stance on immigration. The party advocate…  続きを読む



The Swedish Moderate Party, known in Sweden as Moderata samlingspartiet, is a center-right political party that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape. Founded in 1904, the party has evolved over time, but its core values and principles have remained centered around a belief in free market economics, fiscal conservatism, and a limited but effective government role in society. The Moderates advocate for policies that encourage entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic growth, believing that a strong economy is the foundation for a prosperous society.

The par…  続きを読む



The Swedish Green Party, known in Sweden as Miljöpartiet de gröna, is a political party that emphasizes environmental issues, sustainability, and social justice. Founded in the early 1980s, the party emerged in response to growing concerns about environmental degradation, nuclear power, and the need for sustainable development. The Green Party's values are deeply rooted in ecological sustainability, which involves protecting the environment and promoting policies that ensure the Earth's resources are used in a responsible and sustainable manner. This includes advocating…  続きを読む



The Swedish Liberals, known in Sweden as Liberalerna (formerly Folkpartiet Liberalerna), is a political party that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape. Established in the early 20th century, the party has its roots in classical liberalism, advocating for individual freedom, democracy, and a market economy with a social dimension. Over the years, the Swedish Liberals have evolved, incorporating elements of social liberalism into their ideology, which places a strong emphasis on civil liberties, equality, and social justice, alongside the importance of a free…  続きを読む



The Swedish Centre Party, originally rooted in agrarian interests, has evolved into a liberal political entity that emphasizes the importance of environmental sustainability, decentralization, and individual freedom. Historically, the party aimed to represent the interests of the rural population, particularly farmers, but over time, it has broadened its appeal to encompass a wider segment of the Swedish electorate. Today, the Centre Party advocates for a balanced approach to economic policies, promoting entrepreneurship and small businesses as the backbone of the Swedish economy, while also…  続きを読む



The Swedish Pirate Party, known as Piratpartiet in Swedish, was founded in 2006 by Rick Falkvinge. It emerged in response to the growing concerns over digital rights, privacy, and the freedom of information. The party's formation was significantly influenced by the global debate on copyright laws and the sharing of information via the internet, particularly in the wake of controversies surrounding file-sharing sites like The Pirate Bay.

At its core, the Pirate Party advocates for the reform of copyright and patent laws. It argues that current regulations are outdated and overly restrictiv…  続きを読む



The Swedish Communist political party, historically rooted in the broader communist movement that swept across Europe in the 20th century, is a political entity that adheres to the principles of communism as its foundational ideology. This party, like its counterparts in other countries, is built on the belief in a classless society where the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, rather than by individual capitalists or corporations. The ultimate goal is to establish a society where wealth and power are distributed equally among…  続きを読む



The Swedish Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna) is a political party in Sweden that was founded in 1964. Initially established as a response to the perceived secularization of society and the need for Christian values in politics, the party has evolved over the years to broaden its appeal beyond its religious roots. Despite this evolution, the Christian Democrats still emphasize the importance of Christian ethics and values in shaping their policies, although they also appeal to non-religious voters who share their conservative views on social and fiscal issues.

The party places a strong…  続きを読む



The Swedish Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR), known in Swedish as Nordiska motståndsrörelsen, is a far-right, neo-Nazi organization that operates not only in Sweden but also has branches or affiliations in other Nordic countries. Established in the late 1990s, the NMR advocates for a pan-Nordic nationalist government, encompassing Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. The movement is known for its extreme views and has been described as the most militant neo-Nazi organization in Sweden.

The core values and goals of the NMR are deeply rooted in white supremacist and ethno-na…  続きを読む



The Swedish Feminist Initiative, known in Sweden as Feministiskt initiativ or Fi, is a political party that was founded in 2005. It emerged from a desire to address and prioritize gender equality and feminist issues within the political landscape of Sweden, a country already known for its progressive stance on gender equality. The party's formation was a response to the perceived inadequacies of existing political parties to fully integrate feminist perspectives into their policies and agendas.

The core values of the Feminist Initiative revolve around the promotion of gender equality, soc…  続きを読む



The Swedish Christian Values party, known in Swedish as Kristna Värdepartiet, is a political party in Sweden that emphasizes the importance of Christian beliefs and values in shaping public policy and governance. The party advocates for policies and legislation that reflect Christian ethics, including the sanctity of life, the importance of family and marriage, and the need for social justice and care for the vulnerable. Their values are deeply rooted in Christian teachings, which they believe should guide moral and ethical decision-making in society.

The party places a strong emphasis…  続きを読む



The Swedish Socialist political party, traditionally known as the Swedish Social Democratic Party (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti, S), has been a central force in Sweden's political landscape since its founding in the late 19th century. Rooted in the labor movement, the party has historically been committed to the principles of democratic socialism and social democracy. Its core values revolve around the idea of creating a society that is equal, inclusive, and just, where the welfare of each individual is considered a collective responsibility.

The party's vision is deeply…  続きを読む