Статутні школи - платники податків, що фінансуються школами К-12, якими керують приватні компанії. У Швеції система фріскалорів ("чартерні школи") була заснована в 1992 році. Зараз в країні діє 900 чартерних шкіл. Вони публічно фінансуються шкільними ваучерами, і їх можуть керувати неприбуткові організації, а також некомерційні компанії. Школам забороняється доповнювати державні кошти за допомогою плати за навчання чи інші збори, учні повинні бути допущені до вступу на перший прийом, а вступні іспити не дозволяються.
How do you think the quality of your education would change if your school was privately managed?
Do you believe schools should be more like businesses, or should they remain under public control, and why?
What factors would make you choose (or avoid) attending a charter school if given the chance?
How do you feel about the idea that some students have better educational opportunities because they can attend a charter school while others cannot?
Do you think schools should be allowed to make a profit, or should education be seen as a public service that isn’t focused on money?
If a charter school promised smaller class sizes but less funding for extracurricular activities, would that be a good trade-off for you?
Do you think it’s fair for public school systems to compete with charter schools for funding, or does one naturally deserve more resources?
How might the presence of charter schools affect the community where you live, both positively and negatively?
Should parents be allowed to choose which school their child attends, even if it means the public funding is distributed unevenly?
If charter schools result in higher test scores for students, does that mean our public education system should adopt similar methods?