Yes, but only for deadly contagious diseases
No, fund public ad campaigns about the risks and benefits instead
Yes, they are essential to protecting other children who are too young to be vaccinated
No, but hold parents criminally liable for transferring deadly diseases to other children
Yes, but with exceptions for those whose religious beliefs forbid use of vaccines
No, but require vaccination in order to attend public school

Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Mandatory Vaccinations” has changed over time for 119k Sweden voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Mandatory Vaccinations” has changed over time for 119k Sweden voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Sweden users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


There is no link that exists between autism and vaccines-the only so-called evidence of such came from a ex- dr. Andrew Wakefield who lied about a connection to vaccines and autism in order to win a court case for a enormous monetary win.It is 100% vital to vaccinate everyone no matter what, maybe use a secondary neutral company to convince the ignorant antivaxx population, and punish by disallowing entry to school and other societal areas


I choose "Yes, they are essential to protecting other children who are too young to be vaccinated", "No, but hold parents criminally liable for transferring deadly diseases to other children", "No, fund public ad campaigns about the risks and benefits instead" and "No, but require vaccination in order to attend public school".


This is a sensitive topic that I am personally divided on. Only if we could produce a truly unbiased scientific and/or medical consensus should a vaccin be able to be made mandatory.


The kids should be vaccinated from deadliest virus. As we saw what happened with covid-19 we have people who are vaccinated and have problems with immune system.


Yes, but only if they're proven to be safe and regularly tested prior to the admission of it to the population.